Bookends (Geese) is an oil painting by Brenda Morgan. The art measures 3" x 6" and the frame is 5 3/4" x 9",...
Clean Living is an oil painting by Brenda Morgan. The art measures 8" x 10" and the frame is 15" x 17", frame included.
Go Ahead...Run (Cougar) is an oil painting by Brenda Morgan. The art measures 4 1/2" x 3" and the frame...
Keeping Watch is an oil painting by Brenda Morgan. The art measures 11" x 14" and the frame is 14 1/2" x 17 1/2", frame included.
Painted Beauty an original oil painting by Brenda Morgan. The art measures 4″ x 4″ and the frame is 6 1/2″ x ...