November 24, 2020
Another way to tell a cameo’s authenticity is to hold it up to the light. If you see some light pass through the back, it could be real. A plastic cameo is more likely to be solid. Be careful with this method, though - some fake cameos look very close to the real thing. They may be translucent, too!
Matte Finish Matters
The value of some traditional gemstones is determined by how the cut sparkles and shines. Not so with a cameo. Real cameos should have a soft matte sheen like a stone or seashell, while imitation cameos often cast a glossy surface. “Mock” cameos made from glued pieces of plastic and glass were popular in the 1930s and ‘40s. They’re attractive costume jewelry, but real cameos are much more valuable. The only exception to this rule would be a mock cameo’s rarity and historical significance. Which brings us to the final point of advice…
Get in Touch With a Professional
Determining the authenticity of a cameo can be tricky even to a trained eye. If you’re still not sure, it’s worth it to have the piece evaluated by a trusted professional. Did you know that Seaside Art Gallery has beautiful estate jewelry? Each cameo showcased at the Gallery is real and insurance appraised.
Wondering what your cameo heirloom is worth? Try these tips to find out. You could have an invaluable treasure waiting to be discovered! And if you’re looking for a piece to add to your cameo collection, Seaside Art Gallery is a great choice. You can rest easy knowing that all cameos for sale are genuine.
Chelsea Reed is a copywriter who writes online content, articles, blogs, and websites from her base in North Carolina.
February 21, 2025
Now is the perfect time to have endearing animal art in your home. Whether you’ve already collected some favorites, or you’re just getting started. From domestic companions to wondrous wildlife, we share a wonderful place on this earth with animals.
February 18, 2025
The prestigious Society of Animal Artists is made up of accomplished artist-members who produce the best animal art in the world. Its mission promotes excellence in the portrayal of domesticated and wild animals in art.
February 17, 2025
“It’s never too late to become what you might have been.”
This saying inspires artist Brenda Morgan.