This is an original animator's pencil drawing of Doc from the 1937 Disney animated film, "Snow White and the Seven...
This is an original animator's pencil drawing of Grumpy from the 1937 Disney animated film, "Snow White and the Seven...
– Sold OutThis is an original animator's pencil drawing of Happy from the 1937 Disney animated film, "Snow White and the Seven...
This is an original animator's pencil drawing of Mickey Mouse from the Disney short "The Society Dog Show" released in...
– Sold OutOriginal animator’s pencil drawing by Walt Disney Studios. This is from the 1939 cartoon short “Society Dog Show”. Image size measures...
This is an original animator's drawing of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck from the Disney short, "The Dog Napper" released...
This is an original animator's pencil drawing of Mickey Mouse from the Disney short "The Worm Turns" released in 1937....
– Sold OutCharlie Brown is an original production animation cel with matching pencil drawings by United Features Syn. This is from the...
Lucy & Snoopy is an original production animation cel with matching pencil drawings by United Features Syn. This is from...
– Sold OutSally and Snoopy is an original production animation cel with matching pencil drawings by United Features Syn. This is from...
Please Sir, Can I Have Some More? a graphite drawing by Sue deLearie Adair. The art measures 6" x 5" and...
– Sold OutAlways Ready a graphite pencil drawing by Karen Romine (West Virginia). The art measures 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" and...
– Sold OutPuppy Love is a graphite drawing by Karen Romine (West Virginia). The art measures 3 1/4" x 3 1/4" and the frame...
Sea Turtle is a graphite drawing by Lorraine Dey. The art measures 8" x 8" and the frame measures 12...
Shoveling (Northern Shovlers) is an original graphite drawing by Sue deLearie Adair. The art measures 6 1/2" x 16 1/2" and the...
Swimming in Mom's Reflection is a graphite drawing by Sue deLearie Adair. The art measures 3" x 2 1/2" and...
The Garden Trees is a colored pencil drawing by Lorraine Dey. The art measures 1 1/2" x 2 1/4" and...
The goat is a pencil drawing by Lorraine Dey. The art measures 2 1/4" x 1 1/2" and the frame...
We've Arrived #4 is a graphite and colored pencil drawing by Roger Shipley. The art measures 6 3/4″ x 18″...