Deja Moo

Debra Keirce


Deja Moo is an original oil painting by  Debra Keirce.  The art measures 8″ x 6″ with the  display case measuring 10" x 8.25" x 2.25".


Do you ever get the feeling you've been in the same place, doing and saying the same things? This happens to me quite often. I have an amazing and adventurous life, so the circumstances I find myself in are vastly different from day to day. But what if I were a cow? What if I was eating the same grass on the same fields, with the same cow friends, being chased into pastures by the same dogs, every day? What then? Would I get deja moo? I wonder.This piece is intended to sit on a shelf or mantle or side table. You can leave it open or closed. In the 17th century, art collectors often kept the paintings they didn't want shared with the public (the ones that were only for certain eyes) behind curtains or in cupboards. Decide who is deserving of a look at your Deja Mu, and open or close the display case accordingly. 

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