I Love Osprey is an original oil painting by Debra Keirce. The art measures 12″ x 12″ with the frame measuring 14″ x 14″, frame included.
*******************************************************************************************Osprey - they're baaaaaaack! And that is such a good thing.
Category: Animals & Wildlife, Realism
They tend to come back year after year, the male and female mating for life. They spend the spring and summer on the Carolina shores, and head to South America for fall and winter. They've witnessed humans living along the Carolina shores for well over a thousand years.
After peregrine falcons, ospreys are the most widely distributed birds of prey in the world. They occur on every continent except Antarctica. But by the 1960's, use of the pesticide DDT wreaked havoc on the environment, especially exclusive fish-eaters like these ospreys. North American osprey populations, along with that of many of our other great birds of prey, were threatened by extinction. Their eggshells thinned from pesticides and their young could not survive.