Prainha, Portugal

Christian Rzyski


– Sold Out

Prainha, Portugal a gouache painting by Christian Rzyski. The art measures 4" x 2" and the frame is 6 1/2" x  4 1/2"frame included.


Christian Rzyski was born on June 17, 1955 in Charleroi, a city south of Brussels, Belgium.

Architectural designer specialized in perspective. Practiced mainly in architectural offices. Retired since December 2018.hitecture attracts A single term: Precision!
A cell that I have been constantly confronted with in my life. A molecule integrated into my soul and which has conditioned my journey. Perspective, professional speciality and by extension my artistic activity contributed to this objective of precision. I had the immense advantage of being able to work full time as an artistic designer in an Ecology Center in the Viroin Valley (1982— 1987) and thus be able to discover this magnificent region, which is home to two of the most beautiful villages in Belgium: Treignes-sur-Viroin and Vierves-sur-Viroin


Exclusively in extra professional activities. Drawings and gouache paintings on black paper from the age of 8. First competition through primary school around the age of 10. Proud of my work but not necessarily satisfied with the result. From then on I persisted in mastering this gouache material to achieve a personal technique around the age of 17.

Artistic designer as a part of the Viroin-Hermeton Natural Park Project. Numerous illustrations in black china ink and gouache. Design realisation of a tourist brochure in collaboration with  “The King Baudoin Fountain”, preparation of the annual exhibition at the “Maison Du Parc”.

COMICS PERIOD (1984 – 1992)
Two short stories were published by Lombard editions / Brussels.
Second prize of the competition organized by the city of Liege / Belgium as a part
of the theme of Landru. Noticed by Helyode editions / Brussels. It‘s editor in chief offers me a publication of a series of album on the theme of “ATLANTIS”. Wonderful project but finally aborted regardless of my will.


After this failure, resumption of gouache paintings to devote a few hundred hours to it the future. First exhibitions and instant success rewarded with several prizes. Maniac of precision, I perfected and refined my personnel technique for my next goal: the miniaturisation of my works. Following the “Societe des Artistes Francais / Paris” exhibition (1995), I am invited to exhibit with the Miniature Society “SAMAP France”. This decisive step opens the international doors of miniature painting to me with great success.

AWARDS // HONORARY DISTINCTIONS (Total: more than 100)

Supreme Distinctions (Choice):
Miniature Artists of America, MAA Signature Member, USA
GOLD MEDAL – Mérite et Dévouement Français MDF, Paris / France
“BEST OF SHOW ANY MEDIUM” Award, World Federation of Miniaturist Exhibition
WFM TASMANIA 2008 with the work “Notre Dame of Paris”

Member of Miniature Art Societies:
MASF Florida, USA / MPSGS Washington DC, USA / CPA Dallas PA, USA
Adhérent Member: Académie “Arts – Sciences – Lettres” ASL Paris / FR
Member of the Jury for the Prestigious Art Competition and Virtual Exhibition “TORSO 2021”

Favourite Painter:
Victor Vasarely – The Master of Precision

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