
Debra Keirce


Redheaded is an original oil painting by  Debra Keirce.  The art measures 7″ x 5″ with the  frame measuring  11″ x  9″,  frame included.


My sister is a redhead. We grew up knowing that redheads are special. The Pirates of the Carribean ride at Disney used to have a pirate calling out for the redhead, before they made him politically correct. Everywhere we went, she would get comments on her hair. Even now, when i see animals with red hair, I think of my beautiful baby sister with those long locks of wavy auburn hair. I don't think she'd be complimented in my thinking of her while painting a cow. But seriously, animals remind me of people. This one reminded me of Cindy, and I painted her fondly.

Category: Animals & Wildlife

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