Sea Lion

Eric Berg


Sea Lion is a bronze sculpture  by Eric Berg. The art measures 19″  x  26″   x  30″; Edition #6/12, signature included.


Upon graduation from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Eric Berg realized that he had gotten more satisfaction from the stone carvings he had been making during his senior year than his studies in economics. Three years later he completed the MFA in Sculpture at the University of Pennsylvania and got his first commission - the African Warthog for the Philadelphia Zoo.

Over the ensuing thirty plus years, Berg has completed over forty-four public commissions at zoos, parks, museums and universities around the United States. His smaller works, including bronze maquettes of the life-size public pieces, have been shown in galleries throughout the country. Consistent in Berg's work is his fascination with the natural world, the dignified portrayal of his subjects, and his insistence that his works be accessible and "hands-on" for the public. At 60 years of age, Berg shows no sign of slowing down in his pursuit of new subject matter, new locations, and new audiences for his work. Eric Berg bronze animal sculptures can be seen in universities, museums, zoos, parks, and galleries throughout the nation.  

 "The motivation behind my sculpture comes from an early childhood fascination with animal life and the natural world. The goal of my work is to place hands on, accessible public art works which, through their character and natural appeal, foster an appreciation and respect for animal life.

Unlike much art, my sculptures communicate through direct physical involvement and visual appeal. There is no intellectual challenge, only the subtle reinforcement of the beauty and value of these “other than human” living beings." - Eric Berg

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