Everyone can use a smile each day. No matter who you are or where you live, smiles are good for the soul. Even science shows the health benefits of smiling. That means there’s one more excuse to enjoy the International Miniature Art Show!
What if you could experience the sights from all over the world without leaving the comfort of your home? You can at the 29th annual International Miniature Art Show! This online event features gorgeous miniature art from eight different countries.
It’s always inspiring to see new miniature pieces arrive in an art show. No matter what corner of the world they’re from, each piece shares a common story in some way or another.
Spring is such a gorgeous season. It’s heralded for new life and beginnings. Spring is the time of year when people and nature come together to celebrate.
Picture this scene: You flop on the living room couch after a long day. Your mind wanders on its recent progress and headaches, and maybe what you’ll have for dinner. Meanwhile, your eyes stare into the old Jackson Pollock painting on the wall.
There’s nothing quite like the brilliance of a diamond. The iconic gem is famous for engagements and weddings. It’s also the traditional stone for 60th and 75th wedding anniversaries. But how often is it thought of as the gift of choice for April birthdays?
Imagine colorful blossoms... Nature and architecture… Canvas and planting… All balanced in perfect harmony. Art and gardening are both great examples of people expressing the joys of life.
Spring is right around the corner, and the Gallery is bursting with excitement! Flowering trees and bird songs are great excuses to find artwork that inspires you.