The famous writer and playwright Oscar Wilde once said, “If you want to play the lion’s share in life, you must wear fox skin.” A “fox skin” implies a person who lives a spicy life with aptitude, wit, fun, and of course good looks.
Judging an art show is never easy - especially one with well over 400 miniature artworks from all over the world, representing a wide diversity of subjects and media. Armed with a magnifying glass and an open mind, I studied each piece as objectively as possible,
Sometimes it’s life’s tiny moments that grab our attention the most. The discovery of a baby bird alone in the bush. A breathtaking sunrise piercing through the clouds. A thunderstorm rolling in from the distance… Such powerful moments are just a few of many more worth the experience in life
It’s no surprise that we love talking about textures when it comes to miniature art. When artists can pack so much realistic detail into such a tiny space, it’s no wonder!
One of the most exciting things about miniature art is how each tiny painting encapsulates a snapshot of an entire world inside. From familiar corners to unusual sights to exotic lands, the places you go through miniature art are practically limitless!
Ready to go on a wild art adventure? You can admire the beautiful creatures of planet Earth without having to leave your house. Check out these fun and fascinating art pieces featuring the wonderful world of wildlife.
Every avid birdwatcher knows that sometimes you have to go off the beaten path to get the best bird watching spot. Sometimes this means trekking through heat and cold, rain or shine, and rugged terrain.
There are hundreds of different art styles and genres in the art world, and each of them have their own specific tastes and goals in mind. But there’s no such thing as a “mistake” when it comes to art featuring a majestic or adorable animal!
Humans are infamously known as creatures of habit, especially in our dwellings. But sometimes it’s healthy for us to change things up once in a while. An easy way to do that is to try new kinds of art.