INspired by the Masters with Artist Debra Keirce
November 24th - December 29th, 2018
Opening Reception November 24th, 7pm - 9pm. Meet the Artist!
"My art journey has taken me to this place where I am finally understanding why I am drawn toward miniatures, and why I prefer classical realism to photo realism - in particular, why I love the Dutch masters and have since I was a kid. I love art that draws you IN.
The Dutch masters painted in exquisite detail, similar to miniature art, and that alone invites you to lean in and look closer. Also, the 17th century pieces are quite often composed in a way that invites you into the painting. My personal goal in my art is to give the viewer an experience. I try to stimulate all the senses. I want them to feel they are IN the painting, feeling the heat or the splash of the wave, smelling the flowers, hearing the birds chirping in the distance. I thought by capitalizing the IN in Inspired, it would convey some of that." Debra Keirce
“American Glory” by Debra Keirce 11”x14” Oil on gessoed dibond panel 14”x17” Framed Sometimes it’s the subtle bits in a...
12"x14" Oil on Panel Framed to 14 3/4"x16 3/4" Cezanne’s work always feels to me like he was having fun...
“Creation” 10”x 20” oil on panel 13 1/2” x 23 1/2” Framed in a leather clad frame God is performed...
“Pears, Peanuts and a Glass of Wine” by Debra Keirce 4”x6” Oil on panel Framed to 7 1/2” x 9...
“The Great Mountain” 12 1/4” x 14” oil on panel 14 3/4” x 16 1/2” Framed When people think of...