About The Artist

Art by Theodore de BryTheodore de Bry, 1528-1598. He was an engraver, draftsman and book editor and publisher who became famous for his depictions of early European expeditions to the Americas. In 1578, he moved to Frankfurt am Main and founded an engraving and publishing workshop. He then moved to London for a time, met geographer Richard Hakluyt and began to collect stories and illustrations of various European explorations.

De Bry published Thomas Hariot’s Briefe and True Report of the new-found Land of Virginia with illustrations based on the watercolor paintings of colonist John White. De Bry created a large number of engraved illustrations for these books. Most of them were based on first hand observations even if de Bry himself never visited the Americas. De Bry published 30 other volumes of books. He engraved plates illustrating the Procession of the Knights of the Garter, Procession at the Obsequies of Sir Philip Sidney, for Thomas Harriot’s Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia, and more.

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