May 22, 2023
By Chelsea Reed
Admiring miniature art is a personal experience ripe for indulging in the adorable. There are so many delightful animal minis at Seaside Art Gallery, it’s hard to pick just one favorite, so here is a whole smorgasbord to lift your spirits. We warn you though, these minis are dangerously cute. View them at your own risk!
This acrylic painting from France boasts the remarkable ability to show off the adorable in fine realistic detail. Its woodland style frame provides the perfect backdrop for an en-”deer”-ing family of three.
If fluffy puffins don’t make you smile, puffins with mouths full of fish are a guaranteed winner. This puffin not only manages to pull it off, it stares directly at the viewer with its loveable button eyes!
Regardless of how you may feel about a possum, you have to give it to the little guy for climbing down a tree branch in the cutest way possible. This possum gets bonus points for its name as a tongue-and-cheek playoff to the Andy Griffith Show.
This acrylic painting is proof that cats are a worldwide phenomenon. Just look at them. These kitties are in such a peaceful moment of dreaming, even the Japanese painting behind them is in sheer feline bliss. Purrrfect.
Uh-oh! There’s a varmint in your yard! But now there’s a bigger problem–it’s far too cute to call animal control. Luckily for you, it’s just an oil painting, so you can admire its big-eyed stare until your heart’s content.
Speaking of harmless animals, you never have to worry about this “wascaly wabbit” getting into your garden, either. It’s a needle felted wool sculpture made especially cute and fuzzy, and a great choice for a child’s first art collection.
Careful, this fluffy mouse has special powers. It compels anyone who even remotely looks at it to lock eyes and shout “Awww! How cute!” over and over. There is no known cure for it. You are warned.
Behold, the savage beast. She has slayed many poor creatures across her path. Fortunately, she is now in a deep slumber, so tread carefully. You never know when she may wake and strike her next victim.
Who needs table manners when you’re a squirrel with adorable cheek pouches? After all, you have to be a tough nut to survive in the wild. Fortunately, you can also be irresistibly cute doing it, and this squirrel is a bonafide expert.
Pelicans perched on docks are common in the Outer Banks, but we can’t shake the feeling there’s something different about this one. Hm, maybe it’s the smiling beak, or cheery eye, or the woody childlike disposition. Oh well. We’ll just observe it in its natural habitat and find out more information.
Be sure to catch the rest of Seaside Art Gallery’s International Miniature Art Show before it goes away for the rest of the year. All the art is available for sale and can be picked up after the show ends. Who’s your adorable art companion?
Chelsea Reed is a copywriter who writes winning content, articles, blogs, and websites from her base in North Carolina. She might not be building sandcastles or swashbuckling with pirates these days, but the Outer Banks beaches continue to keep her young at heart.
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